How to Detox from Vaccines Using Functional Medicine

Are vaccines helpful or harmful? That’s the billion-dollar question of the decade, right?

So, what are you to do?

We want to preface that getting vaccines is a very personal choice. 

There can be benefits to getting a vaccine, but in order to reap the most benefits without experiencing the harmful side effects, you need to know how to detox from vaccines properly.

If you’re thinking about getting a vaccine or require one for work and want to know how to reduce your risk for serious side effects, this article on how to detox from vaccines is for you. 

First, let’s chat about why you need to detox from vaccines. 

Harmful Ingredients In Vaccines

Vaccines don’t contain just the antigen that your immune system needs to recognize the virus and build up immunity. It also contains binders and fillers. This is where issues can arise.

Harmful Vaccine Ingredients could include:

  • Formaldehyde is used to inactivate viruses. This chemical is classified as a known carcinogen by the EPA and in high amounts has been strongly linked to cancers.

  • Thimerosal (ethylmercury) is used as a preservative in the flu vaccine. At elevated levels, this can be toxic.

  • Aluminum is used to make vaccines more effective by strengthening your immune system response. However aluminum exposure can lead to higher rates of oxidative stress, inflammation, endocrine disruptions, and nutrient absorption interference. It can increase your risk of brain and bone diseases, especially for people with kidney impairments.

  • Antibiotics can be used to reduce the risk of dangerous bacterial infections, and trace amounts are left in many vaccines. Recurrent antibiotic use is known to cause damage to the gut, leading to other bodily imbalances, but in vaccines, the antibiotic amount is very low.

  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is used as a preservative and stabilizer used in the flu vaccine. This can cause headaches, nausea, flushing, or sweating.

Long-Term Side Effects of Vaccines

The long-term side effects of vaccines are not completely understood, especially with newer ones. However, certain groups are more likely to react to vaccines and feel the long-term impacts.

These include people who:

Unfortunately, the chance that a person falls into one of these categories is becoming more common because the common American lifestyle causes damage to the gut, increases the risk of allergies, and exposes us to toxins every day.

Does This Mean You Should Avoid ALL Vaccines? No.

Vaccines can be life-saving for some people, and getting vaccines could mean fewer health challenges than getting the actual infection itself. For example, the COVID virus may reactivate EBV symptoms, causing a plethora of health issues for people, leading to Long-COVID.

To reduce your risk of reactions and long-term vaccine side effects, you must ensure your immune and detoxification systems are operating correctly by optimizing your body on a cellular level.

How to Prep Your Body Before Getting a Vaccine

If your immune system or detox process is weak or compromised, or you have underlying dysfunctions in your body, it can increase your risks of reactions.

Also, having a strong immune system can help a vaccine be more effective as your body can produce more antibody-producing memory cells when your immune system is functioning optimally.

What to do before getting a vaccine

  • Address underlying gut imbalances, dysbiosis, leaky gut, or overgrowths

  • Fix any nutrient deficiencies by restoring your nutrient stores by eating whole organic foods and taking supplements when needed.

  • Ensure your detox system works effectively by supporting your liver, kidneys, and gut.

  • Consume a diet filled with an array of colorful, whole foods

  • Avoid as many environmental toxins as possible (check your beauty and household products, and invest in a high-quality water filter) – we teach you how to do this in our Detox Your Life Program

  • Enhance your immune system with vitamin D, C, E, zinc, and probiotics.

By doing this, your body can respond more effectively to vaccines and reduce the risk of lasting toxin/vaccine side effects.

What To Do After To Detox From Vaccines

To make sure you detox from vaccines effectively, you should:

  • Get adequate amounts of sleep following a vaccine

  • Increase intake of veggies and fiber

  • Hydrate up

  • Get a sweat on to help detox some of the vaccine fillers

  • Work with a functional medicine provider to ensure your cellular health is back on track

  • Reduce your toxin burned by avoiding toxic products, including alcohol/smoking/drugs and stay away from processed foods

  • Don’t take Tylenol 2 days before or after as it can reduce immune response to some vaccines.

How to Reduce your Risk for COVID Vaccines Side Effects

Does this relate to the COVID vaccine? Yes! While short-term side effects of the COVID vaccine have been shown to cause systemic symptoms in 22% of people, long-term impacts are not yet known. 

However, if you have:

  • an autoimmune condition, a vaccine may cause flare-ups

  • known allergic reactions, you are at a heightened risk for side effects

For most people, to prepare your body for the COVID vaccine, you’ll want to maximize your detox pathways and immune system just like you would do with any other vaccine. This can help your immune system respond properly without causing dysfunction (and potentially severe consequences).

We integrate a functional medicine approach, which focuses on diet and lifestyle changes in our personalized protocols whether clients are vaccinated or unvaccinated. We believe optimizing the body’s functions on a cellular level is the key to detox from vaccines, avoid complications and to protect the body from viruses.

Learn More About How to Detox from Vaccines with a Personalized Approach

You don’t have to be afraid of vaccines or take one side or another. Deciding if a particular vaccine is right for you isn’t black and white. And it’s also a very personal choice. Together we can discuss your vaccine options and how we can get your body into a state of balance for peak well-being!

Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about how one-to-one coaching, or if you’re more of a group setting kind of person, Detox Your Life - a 6-week small group coaching program is for you.


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