“Health is kind of like global warming. The changes and deterioration are often so slow we don’t see it before it’s almost too late. The goods news? It doesn't have to be that way.”
We live in a world of processed food and copious amounts of stress. And our bodies aren’t designed for this. From the moment you wake up every morning you are making choices that either support your wellness or push you toward a state of illness. And some of the things you are doing? You may be completely unaware they are harmful and could be placing you in a state of dis-ease.
Imagine a life where you feel energized instead of exhausted. Clear mornings where you actually look forward to rolling out of bed to start your day. Where your mind is uncluttered, your skin is clear and you light up a room when you walk in. You are pain free, symptom free and thriving. This can be you.
Your body is speaking to you every single day. It’s time to listen.
After being sick and not getting any answers for over a decade, our founder Kristen Kellogg began a journey of learning how to reverse her own issues and to restore herself to her natural state of optimal wellness. Through integrative nutrition and functional medicine, she finally found answers through the interconnectedness that lies in our body. And she’s ready to help you do the same.
Living well and healthy is much more than nutrition. It’s about getting to the root what’s actually causing your body to be out of balance. Through our one to one coaching program, you will learn how to self identify areas of your life that may not be nourishing you and contributing to your current state of imbalance and look at your current symptoms through a functional medicine lens to identify root causes of your dis-ease. Together we will create a roadmap to get you to your wellness goals.
DETOX YOUR LIFE - Small Group Coaching
Detox Your Life in less than 90 days. This habit change inducing program is for anyone looking to remove toxicity from their life in all forms — from the things we put in our body to the thoughts that we think and so much more, this program will give you a life-altering roadmap to clean up and clean out toxicity in your life. Leave empowered and ignited to live your best life from wellness to your workplace or on your entrepreneurial journey.
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